Quick Curve Ruler Demonstration
Basic longarm quilting information. What to ask your quilter, how to prepare your tops and other do’s and don’ts. Includes a trunk show.
Program demonstration and/or workshop for a quick and easy block pattern and many, many variations!!! Includes a trunk show
A technique developed by Beth Ferrier for machine applique that has the appearance of needle turn.
Listed below are the programs I have developed for presentation to your guild or quilt group. Workshops are available for each of these programs as well. Please contact me for available dates and pricing. I am currently developing longarm lectures and classes, so check back often for a list of options..
Longarm Quilting 101
Basic longarm quilting information. What to ask your quilter, how to prepare your tops and other do’s and don’ts. Includes a trunk show.
Where to Quilt What
Power point presentation/lecture describing various quilting styles, techniques and how to select design elements for quilting. Includes a trunk show.
Where to Quilt What – Hands On
This program is developed for shops and/or groups that have the ability to provide machines for hands on application. Attendees arrive with a sampler quilt that contains the basic shapes of quilting, pattern to be provided once class is booked. I will review the steps I utilize in determining where to quilt what and a breakdown of how to create the designs and fillers I use most. Then on to the machine to practice application of the techniques learned. 6 Hour Class
Program demonstration and/or workshop for the assembly of this really cute and simple bag or tote bag
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