Back in August 2017, right before the first retreat at our new facility, I was contacted about being in this article featuring quilting across the great state of Texas.. Someone, (thank you to whoever did that), had passed my name on to the journalist and I was super excited to say yes!!! It is finally published and I can share the article with you here!!!
A while back I quilted this quilt for Cynthia Regone for publication in the magazine, For the Love of Quilting. While at fall market this year (2017) while I was waiting in line to get a new release book autographed, I was flipping through the pages and discovered that it’s also in this magazine!! I had been talking (imagine that) to a couple of ladies in line while flipping pages and I showed them and they wanted me to sign their magazines, how awesome was that, I signed autographs while waiting in line for an autograph!!! Way too cool!!!
I quilt market samples for Moda and this quilt ended up in the book, Miss Rosie’s Farmhouse Favorites!
I quilted this quilt several months ago for Liz Porter and it appeared in the September/October 2016 issue of Fons & Porters Love of Quilting Magazine.
In 2014 I was approached by a representative of the Texas Quilt Museum regarding the quilting of some quilt tops appliqued by Frances Benton who passed away and left her quilt tops to the museum. There were 13 unquilted tops that they wanted to display in a special exhibit at the International Quilt Festival in Houston, Texas. I agreed and was honored to quilt these three quilts that hung in that special exhibit.
The folks at the Honey Bee have been keeping a secret for several months. In December they started telling their customers that they had an “amazing announcement” to make in January. The guesses as to what the announcement was were funny, even some customers thinking the owner was going to tell everyone she’s pregnant (no she’s not) but the announcement was….Honey Bee Quilt Store has been named as one of the Top Ten Stores for 2012 for the Quilt Sampler Magazine!!!!! The quilt they designed for the magazine is called Texas Rain Dance. The magazine and/or the kit can be preordered from their store, the kits will ship in May. I was lucky enough to get introduced to Diane and even more lucky when she asked me to quilt her design!
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