In case you missed it on Facebook, here is a slideshow recap of my week in Paducah!!!! It was quite a week with three quilts that I quilted being accepted into the show, which is an honor just to get there, and then, two of the three quilts received ribbons, whoo-hoo!!!  I think my insides did the happy dance all week!!!

The quilt that I accepted the award for on stage was made by Gail Smith from Illinois and it received third place honors in the Large Quilt Category.  I have quilted for Gail for a couple of years and have never met her in person, and I finally got to do that this week as well.  It was such a pleasure to talk with her, she is so sweet and so very talented.  An added bonus during the award presentation was that the raffle quilt I quilted for the Austin Area Quilt Guild received first place honors in the Group Category!!!  Double the fun!!!  The classes and lectures were awesome and my friends, Sherri & Vickie, who were there to share it with me just kept the fun going!!!  I even got interviewed by AQS and so I just had to share them here along with the actual awards ceremony, just too much fun!!

It was good to get back home, but it is a week I will remember forever!!!

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